Monday, 14 January 2013

Snow... Bleughhhh!

It's snowing! Yuk! I really can't get as excited as the rest of the nation over something so cold and wet. Snow makes me grumpy, fact. 

Walking to school this morning, there were countless children shrieking and throwing snowballs (well, not even snowballs, there's no where near enough snow for that!) at each other. The other parents must have thought I was a right miserable cow. Every time either of my older 2 so much as looked like they were about to pick any up I'd shout 'DON'T TOUCH IT!' in true neurotic fashion! 

It's not that I don't want them to enjoy the snow, but when they come crying to me that their hands are hurting because they're so cold, there's not a great deal I can do about it on our mile walk to and from school. I know it's difficult for them to resist it, but really, if they could just wait until they are at home this afternoon, they can play all they like with the snow in the garden. I can handle that, because when they start crying with cold/turning blue I can just bring them in and wrap them up warm. 

Last year when the snow hit, the kids drove me insane asking to go out and play in it. We still lived in our old house back then and the garden wasn't visible from the house, so I couldn't just let them out to play. There was no way I was going out there to play in it with them! Daddy was at work. So when my little sister informed me that her school was closed I had a brainwave. Teenagers will do anything for a bit of cash, so as much as she too hates the snow, she couldn't resist the offer of a tenner to come round and build a snowman with the little people! Yes, I paid my sister to build a snowman! Now we've moved, the garden is far more family friendly. The children can play safely outside whilst I observe from the warmth of the house, armed with towels heating nicely on the radiators ready to swaddle them when they've frozen solid! 

I hate the way everything slows down in the snow. The route to school is a steep hill and it's hard enough getting my pushchair up it on a good day. Throw snow into the equation and you've added a good 15 minutes onto the already half hour school run! My 3 year old had to stop and show me every single footprint she made!  There's only so many times I can say 'that's great sweetheart' without starting to sound sarcastic! My youngest, in the comfort of his pushchair, was still freezing. He cried all the way there and back. He kept knocking his hat off (something else that forced me to keep stopping!) and he hates being trussed up in blankets. Then there's the 50 children and their parents all crammed into the tiny nursery cloakroom, fighting for a space to change their wellies to school shoes! 

I hate it! Snow should only exist on Christmas cards! I vote hibernation! What's the point in winter anyway? Once Christmas has been and gone, we should just skip straight past all the miserable, cold weather. Summer is the way forward! 

So there you have it. My take on snow. Not my favourite weather, in case I hadn't quite made that clear! 


  1. I totally relate to this! I'm also "one of them mothers"
    amanda x

  2. I love snow, I hate however when it keeps me from work and study!! I sound like an ass now because who wants to go work and study?!! Pain is I'd booked my ticket in advance just like a do every week to go to London so now I'm stuck! There's no point asking them to transfer it they wont and if I cancel it I lose most of its value in fee. WAH WAH WAHHHHHH hahaa xx

    1. Oh dear! I can see why that might irritate you slightly!

  3. I'm also one of them mums lol. I used to do the same as a kid too drove my mum mad lol! Loving how you paid your sis to build a snowman tho!! xx
